PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python¶
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Frequency Domain
- 3. IQ Sampling
- Sampling Basics
- Nyquist Sampling
- Quadrature Sampling
- Complex Numbers
- Complex Numbers in FFTs
- Receiver Side
- Carrier and Downconversion
- Receiver Architectures
- Baseband and Bandpass Signals
- DC Spike and Offset Tuning
- Sampling Using our SDR
- Calculating Average Power
- Calculating Power Spectral Density
- Further Reading
- 4. Digital Modulation
- 5. PlutoSDR in Python
- 6. USRP in Python
- 7. BladeRF in Python
- 8. RTL-SDR in Python
- 9. Noise and dB
- 10. Filters
- 11. Link Budgets
- 12. Channel Coding
- 13. IQ Files and SigMF
- 14. Multipath Fading
- 15. Pulse Shaping
- 16. Synchronization
- 17. End-to-End Example
- Introduction to FM Radio and RDS
- The RDS Signal
- Acquiring a Signal
- FM Demodulation
- Frequency Shift
- Filter to Isolate RDS
- Decimate by 10
- Resample to 19 kHz
- Time Synchronization (Symbol-Level)
- Fine Frequency Synchronization
- Demodulate the BPSK
- Differential Decoding
- RDS Decoding
- RDS Parsing
- Wrap-Up and Final Code
- Acknowledgments
- Further Reading
- 18. Beamforming & DOA
- Beamforming Overview
- Direction-of-Arrival Overview
- Types of Arrays
- SDR Requirements
- Intro to Matrix Math in Python/NumPy
- Steering Vector
- Receiving a Signal
- Conventional Beamforming & DOA
- 180-Degree Ambiguity
- Beam Pattern
- Array Beamwidth
- When d is not λ/2
- Number of Elements
- Spatial Tapering
- Manually Changing Weights
- Adaptive Beamforming
- MVDR/Capon Beamformer
- Covariance Matrix
- LCMV Beamformer
- Null Steering
- Circular Arrays
- Training Data
- Conclusion and References
- 19. Phased Arrays with Phaser
- 20. Cyclostationary Processing
- Introduction
- Review of Autocorrelation
- The Cyclic Autocorrelation Function (CAF)
- The Spectral Correlation Function (SCF)
- Frequency Smoothing Method (FSM)
- Time Smoothing Method (TSM)
- Pulse-Shaped BPSK
- SNR and Number of Symbols
- QPSK and Higher-Order Modulation
- Multiple Overlapping Signals
- Alternative CSP Features
- Spectral Coherence Function (COH)
- Conjugates
- FFT Accumulation Method (FAM)
- Signal Detection With Known Cyclic Frequency
- Cyclic Filtering with FRESH Filters
- 21. Real-Time GUIs with PyQt
- Introduction
- Qt Overview
- Basic Application Layout
- Application with Worker Thread
- Signals and Slots
- PyQtGraph
- Layouts
- Lambda Functions
- PyQtGraph’s PlotWidget
- PyQtGraph’s ImageItem
- Worker Thread
- PyQt Signals
- Worker Thread Slots
- Worker Thread Run()
- Final Example Full Code
- 22. About the Author